EV Holiday Property Development and Services


Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG

Dipl.Ing. Norbert Schwencke
Unternehmensberatung Immobilien
Déviller Straße 19
22941 Bargteheide


Telefon: +34 648 020 306
E-Mail: mail@evholidaypropertydevelopmentandservices.com


Die verwendeten Bilder stammen aus folgenden Quellen:

Lizenzfreie Bilder von :https://pixabay.com/de/

Envato Elements:

Item Title: Traditional mallorcan patio in Palma de Mallorca. Balearic islands. Spain
Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/traditional-mallorcan-patio-in-palma-de-mallorca-b-2W8V7W5
Item ID: 2W8V7W5 Author Username: ABBPhoto

Item Title: old town of Valdemossa, Majorca
Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/old-town-of-valdemossa-majorca-BX4ZTC6
Item ID: BX4ZTC6 Author Username: Neirfy007

Item Title: Beach house with pool. Rustic furniture. Sun loungers, umbrellas, wooden tables. Caribbean colors.
Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/beach-house-with-pool-rustic-furniture-sun-lounger-GT8QD8C
Item ID: GT8QD8C Author Username: jdvolcan

Item Title: Searching the internet for real estate or new house
Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/searching-the-internet-for-real-estate-or-new-hous-HSGWJF7
Item ID: HSGWJF7 Author Username: BrianAJackson

Item Title: Residential building blueprint plans and house model, banner. 3d illustration
Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/residential-building-blueprint-plans-and-house-mod-9ZD9W4L
Item ID: 9ZD9W4L Author Username: rawf8

Item Title: House plan blueprint
Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/house-plan-blueprint-PVQ57P2
Item ID: PVQ57P2 Author Username: BrianAJackson


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